Easily accessible to SW Houston TX residents
Conveniently located near the gateway to Sienna Plantation
at 2922 Michael Wayne Rd
1.1 miles from Bees Creek Market
Conveniently located near the gateway to Sienna Plantation
at 2922 Michael Wayne Rd
1.1 miles from Bees Creek Market
Integrative / Alternative Medicine
Meridian Acupuncture \ Ear Acupuncture
Regenerative Medicine:
Autonomic Response Testing
Exercise Therapy
Osteopathic Manual Treatments
Myo-Fascial Treatments: Fascial Distortion Repair \ Myo-Fascial Mobilization \
Muscle Energy Stretching \ Counter-Strain Neutralization
Integrative / Alternative Medicine
Meridian Acupuncture \ Ear Acupuncture
Regenerative Medicine:
Autonomic Response Testing
Exercise Therapy
Osteopathic Manual Treatments
Myo-Fascial Treatments: Fascial Distortion Repair \ Myo-Fascial Mobilization \
Muscle Energy Stretching \ Counter-Strain Neutralization
Our Mission:
Health and Wellness through the delivery of state-of-the-art Alternative, Integrative and Regenerative Medicine Services
Health and Wellness through the delivery of state-of-the-art Alternative, Integrative and Regenerative Medicine Services